Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary Since 2000

Diving And Kids

With their natural curiosity and affinity to water, children become excellent scuba divers.  We are committed to excellence in training and safety when it comes to your child. Our nationally recognized staff and programs have a proven track record.

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SCUBA and Snorkeling Activites for Scouts

Discover Snorkeling           Discover Scuba Diving

Scuba Merit Badge           Snorkeling BSA Award           Scuba BSA Award

Scout Photos

Discover Snorkeling for Scouts - $40.00 (**Groups of 6 or More)

This activity is perfect for those that aren't sure about Scuba or just want to learn the proper Snorkeling techniques. This course teaches the Snorkeling skills to make it a fun and safe activity. We have custom designed games to enhance their learning. Ages 8 years and up and must be able to swim in water too deep to stand. About 90 minutes.

Required Release Forms for Activity          Contact Dive Center for Scheduling:  937-428-9836

Discover Scuba Diving for Scouts - $50.00 (**Groups of 6 or More)

Your Scouts will experience firsthand the thrill of being weightless while breathing on Scuba in our Heated Pool. We provide all of the equipment and Supervision necessary for this experience.For ages 10 and up. This single experience takes about 2 hours.

Certain Medical Conditions could require physician approval, prior to in-water training.
Click to Preview Medical Statement for more information before enrolling.
Click Here to print required Aquatic Realm Release Forms

Contact Dive Center for Scheduling:  937-428-9836

Activities for Scouts Only

PADI Open Water Diver - (Minimum 6 Students)

Your Scouts can become PADI Open Water Divers and complete the training portion of the Scuba Merit Badge.  Our package pricing includes online academic training, academic materials, pool and local open water training.  Also available is package pricing on mask, snorkel, fins, boots and dive computer. (all required for certification) Parents and Siblings are welcome if space is availble.  200 yd. swim (any style and 10 minute float required for certification.

Required Release Forms for Activity         

To discuss your scout troop needs contact the dive shop at: 937-428-9836 or email lynn@aquaticrealmscuba.com

Snorkeling BSA Award- $75.00 (Scout Activity / **Groups of 6 or More)

Following the guidelines from the Boy Scouts, we introduce your Scouts to the special skills, equipment and safety precautions associated with snorkeling. Scout must meet the BSA Snorkeling requirements for participation. Patch Not Included.

BSA Swimmer test is required. About 2 1/2 hours.

Snorkeling BSA Award Information

Required Release Forms for Activity          Contact Dive Center for Scheduling:  937-428-9836

Scuba BSA Award - $99.00 (Scout Activity / **Groups of 6 or More)

This award is for Boy Scouts. They are introduced to the dive equipment, safety and general understanding of Scuba Diving. They will perform basic dive skills in our heated pool under the supervision of a Dive Instructor. There is a knowledge development and a pool session that provides a foundation for further training. Patch Not Included.

BSA Swimmer test is required. About 3 hours.

Scuba BSA Award Information.

Required Release Forms for Activity          Contact Dive Center for Scheduling:  937-428-9836

Check out our Emergency Management Preparedness Courses. We offer a variety of courses that are ideal for active Scouts and their Families.

We would be Happy to come and speak at your scout meetings about any or all of the Great Programs we offer for Scouts.  Please Contact us for Scheduling.

**For Groups of 6 or more Customized Schedule Available.