IDC Staff Instructor (IDCS) Course Fee:  $1099*

As an IDC Staff Instructor, you will be able to certify Assistant Instructors independently. With the IDC version, you will work closely with the Course Director in the training and evaluating of Instructor Candidates. With the no audit version you will use practical applications to teach an Assistant Instructor Course. Either version requires 2 days of class first. This is a very rewarding course and a distinguished rating. You become a mentor to tomorrow's Dive Instructor.

Pre-Requisites:  PADI MSDT Instructor Rating, EFR Instructor Rating


Course Content: Classroom Sessions, Pool

Course Fee and Time:  $1199  2-3 days plus Full IDC Audit  OR  $1499 3 - 5 days no IDC audit

*Above Fees Do Not Include:  PADI Materials, PADI Application Fees, Additional Dive Fees/Entrance Fees, Tank Fills or Dive Gear.


Contact our Course Director Lynn Wickline 937-428-9836 or  to discuss all of the possibilities available for your professional path. Aquatic Realm is dedicated to providing you with the best instructor level training available insuring your success in all your teaching endeavors.